Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Dr. Arvind Nawale on Hemingway's 'Old Man and the Sea'

Rajarshi Shahu Autonomous College, Latur
‘Knowing a Book’ lecture series
Lecture-4: Earnest Hemingway's ‘The Old Man and the Sea’
Speaker: Dr. Arvind M. Nawale, Head, Dept of English, Shivaji College, Udgir
Date: 21/01/2023

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Research Paper: “Using PPT as an Effective Cutting Edge Tool for Innovative Teaching-Learning”

Research Paper: “Using PPT as an Effective Cutting Edge Tool for Innovative Teaching-Learning” published in Indian Journal of Language and Linguistics, E ISSN 2582-9726, Vol 3, Issue 1, Year 2022 (pp 1-12) (MLA Indexed Journal) DOI:

Sunday, May 8, 2022

New Trends and Digital Adoption: A Paradigm Shift in Higher Education

 New Trends and Digital Adoption: A Paradigm Shift in Higher Education 

(2022) ISBN 978-93-5529-245-2

VOICING THE VOICELESS: Literary Representation of the Gendered Subalterns

 VOICING THE VOICELESS: Literary Representation of the Gendered Subalterns

(2022) ISBN 978-93-5529-240-7

WOMEN’S VOICES: Projection of Women in Literature


WOMEN’S VOICES: Projection of Women in Literature
(2022) ISBN 978-93-5529-238-4

DALIT WRITINGS: Resistance, Identity and Equity

 DALIT WRITINGS: Resistance, Identity and Equity 
(2021) ISBN 978-93-5529-239-1

Friday, February 25, 2022

Research Paper, “Literature and Human Resilience in the Time of Crises Like Coronavirus Pandemics”

“Literature and Human Resilience in the Time of Crises Like Coronavirus Pandemics” in International Journal of Current Research and Review (IJCRR). ISSN: 0975-5241 (Online), Vol 14 No. (4), February, 2022, (Sole author). (pp 45-49). ISI Impact Factor (2020-21): 1.899, SJIF (2020) = 7.893 DOI:

Monday, February 21, 2022

Research paper: “National Education Policy—2020 and Higher Education: A Road towards Reform”

“National Education Policy—2020 and Higher Education: A Road towards Reform” in University News, A Weekly Journal of Higher Education published by the Association of Indian Universities. ISSN: 0566-2257. Vol 60, No. 70, Feb 14-20, 2022. (First author). (pp 16-21).,%20NO-07,%20FEBRUARY%2014-20,%202022.pdf

Sunday, January 16, 2022

SMU, ELA Inauguration 16-01-2022. Chief Guest- Professor Anand Kulkarni

SMU, ELA Inauguration 16-01-2022. Chief Guest- Professor Anand Kulkarni

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Parents Meet 2021 22 AMN 9 Jan 2022

SMU, Parents Meet 2021 22, 9 Jan 2022